Category: Press Release
Green Beer and Driving Don’t Mix
Americans have celebrated their Irish heritage on St. Patrick’s Day for decades. Sadly, too much green beer can lead to dangerous driving after the celebrating….
Mar-Mac Police and the National Child Safety Council Seek Donations for Child Safety and Drug Education Program
The Mar-Mac Police District has again put into effect their child safety and drug education program for the children and their parents. However, as before,…
Mar-Mac Police Executes Search Warrant
On January 4, 2019, at approximately 11:30 pm, the Mar-Mac Police District executed a search warrant at 158 ½ Main Street, McGregor, following a report…
Mar-Mac Police to Partner with Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division for Tobacco, Alternative Nicotine and Vapor Product Education and Enforcement
The Mar-Mac Police District has taken a pledge to keep tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor products out of the hands of Marquette and McGregor’s youth….
October/November 2018 Arrests
Mar-Mac Police District Press Release – October/November Arrests A criminal charge is merely an accusation and a defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty. On…
Marquette and McGregor Turns In Their Unused and Unwanted Medication
On October 27, 2018, in collaboration the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), the Mar-Mac Police District collected approximately 30 pounds of unused and unwanted medication during…
The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
Mar-Mac Unified Police District will be hosting the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday, October 27, 2018, between 10 AM and 2 PM at the McGregor…
Mobile Patrol
The Mar-Mac Police District is now connected with MobilePatrol! MobilePatrol helps law enforcement agencies rapidly communicate vital public safety information such as emergency alerts, jail…