The mission of the Clayton County Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is ensuring all crime victims and witnesses have a voice, support, knowledge and assistance throughout the criminal justice process from initial disclosure to prosecution, and a multidisciplinary response specifically to victims of sexual violence. Our teams respond 24 hours a day to crisis.
Sexual Assault Team (SART) Coordinator:
Provides leadership for the development and activities of county-specific Sexual Assault Response Teams.
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE):
A registered nurse (RN) with highly specialized training to provide a forensic evidentiary examination and medical support.
When children are involved, the medical examination is done by specialized pediatric examiners at a Child Protection Center (CPC), who have training as Doctors, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners and/or Registered Nurses to provide the examination and collect evidence from children.
Sexual Assault Advocate:
Are present to mediate interactions between the survivor, emergency room personnel, and law enforcement. Advocates concentrate on the best interests of the survivor, including listening to their needs rather than asking questions and directing her/his behavior.
To best serve sexual assault survivors, advocates provide replacement clothing, and information regarding the Sexual Assault Examination Kit procedures, STD testing/treatment and other medical choices.
The advocate also serves as a liaison between the survivor and the criminal justice system to ensure that the survivor’s rights are protected if the survivor wishes to proceed with the criminal justice system. The advocate can accompany a survivor to a police interview, assist with orders of protection, provide case updates, and attend all meetings and court proceedings with law enforcement and the prosecuting attorney’s office with, or on behalf of, the survivor.
Victim Witness Coordinator:
Provide crisis intervention, emotional support, referrals, and information to the victim through the local county attorney’s office.
Law Enforcement:
Specially trained to listen to the survivor’s story and ask detailed questions that may lead to the prosecution of the perpetrator. Law Enforcement on the Sexual Assault Response Team are dedicated to victim-centered care and justice.
County Attorney:
If a survivor should choose to see a case through the criminal justice system, the County Attorney in the county the crime occurred will be available for prosecution.
The County Attorney is responsible for the direction and control of the prosecutorial function in his or her jurisdiction.
The primary responsibility of the prosecutor is to seek and obtain justice.
Community Partners:
Individuals and organizations providing additional supports and resources to a survivor’s needs.