Employment Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Application Instructions *AcknowledgeThe ability to follow direction and complete paperwork is an important responsibility of a police officers. 1. Your application should be hand printed legibly in ink, or typed; 2. Answer ALL questions completely. If a question does not apply to you, enter “N/A” in the space provided; 3. Avoid errors by reading the directions carefully before making entries on the form. Be sure your information is correct and in sequence before you begin; 4. YOU are responsible for obtaining COMPLETE and VALID addresses and zip codes, and valid telephone numbers where requested; 5. If there is insufficient space on the form, use the additional sheets provided at the end of this packet. Be sure to reference the relevant section and question on any supplemental pages or attachments; 6. If you have any questions concerning this packet, please contact Chief Millin at (563) 873-2500, or email rmillin@marmacpolice.org; 7. The attached “Authorization for Information and Examination Wavier” form must be completed and signed; 8. Copies of the following documents should be included with your application and forwarded to the Mar-Mac Police Department before the application due date (photocopies can be made at the Department’s office): a. Photocopy of current driver’s license; b. Photocopy of High School diploma, or GED certification; c. Photocopy of college transcript, diploma/certification, or degree; d. Photocopy of DD214 (military discharge form if applicable); e. Photocopy of Naturalization papers (if applicable). Failure to properly complete your application will result in the rejection of the application.Date *Name *FirstMiddleLastAddress *Address Line 1Address Line 2City— Select state —AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingStateZip CodePhone Number *Email Address *Driver's License Number *State *Date of Birth *Place of Birth *Are you at least 21 years old? *YesNoIf no, will you be 21 years old at time of appointment? *YesNoCitizenship: *US BornUS NaturalizedOtherCitizenship: If Other, where? *Are you a “Veteran” as defined in Iowa Code 35.1? *YesNoIf yes, describe the service which qualifies you as a Veteran. *Have you ever applied with the Mar-Mac Police Department? *YesNoIf yes, when? *Are you currently active in any other law enforcement agencies hiring process? *YesNoIf yes, where and what is the status? *HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATIONName of High School *Did you receive a high school diploma or a GED certificate? *DiplomaCertificateOtherAddress of High School: *Graduation Year *POST HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATIONStarting with the most recent, list all colleges, universities, or trade schools you attended. Did you attend any colleges, universities, or trade schools? *YesNoAre you currently enrolled in colleges, universities, or trade schools? *YesNo College, University, or Trade School: Name of institution: If this question does not apply to you, enter “N/A." *Did you receive a degree or a certificate of completion? DegreeCertificateAddress of college, university, or trade school: Number of Credit(s):Course of Study:Type of degree or name of certification: Add Remove ARMED FORCESHave you ever been in the U.S. Armed Forces or National Guard? *YesNoHave you ever served during time of conflict? *YesNoBranch:If yes, when? *Rank:EMPLOYMENT HISTORYStarting with the most recent, list all employers (paid and/or volunteer) you worked for in the last 10 years. If you were unemployed during any period within the last 5 years, list the date(s) you unemployed. Be sure to reference the relevant section and question on any supplemental pages or attachments. Employer: Start Date: *End Date: *Name of Employer: *Employer's Phone Number *Address of Employer: *Name of Supervisor/Title: *Position: *Supervisor's Telphone Email:Position and Duties: *Reason for Leaving: * Add Remove RESIDENTIAL HISTORYStarting with the most recent, list all locations where you have lived, regardless of period, for the last 10 years. Residence: From: *To: *Residential Address: *Did you rent or owned your residence? *RentOwnOtherName of landlord (if applicable): Landlord's Telephone Number: Add Remove FINANCIAL INFORMATIONAre you current with all your financial obligations? *YesNoHave any of your bills ever been turned over to a collection agency? *YesNoIf no, explain:If yes, explain:Have you ever had anything repossessed? *YesNoHave you ever filed bankruptcy? *YesNoIf yes, explain:If yes, explain:Are you required to pay child support? *YesNoAre you required to pay alimony? *YesNoIf yes, explain:If yes, explain:Have you ever been a plaintiff or defendant in a civil suit? *YesNoAre you presently under any court order to make payments to another? *YesNoIf yes, explain:If yes, explain:LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTACTSList all non-work related law enforcement contacts. Include the date of the offense, the issuing agency, the city and state of the offense, and the disposition of the offense. If this question does not apply to you, enter “N/A.” If plaintiff Name Traffic Offenses:List all traffic citations regardless of whether you were convicted. Include the date of the offense, the issuing agency, the city and state of the offense, and the disposition of the offense. Traffic Citation(s): Explain: * Add Remove Arrest(s) History:List all arrest, including juvenile, regardless of whether you were convicted. Include the date of the offense, the issuing agency, the city and state of the offense, and the disposition of the offense. Arrest(s): Explain: * CHARACTER REFERENCESList five (5) character references that personally know you. Do not list employers, relatives, or supervisors. Do no list people that do not regularly interact with you. Reference: Name: *Profession: *Address: *Years Known: *Phone * Add Remove PERSONAL QUESTIONNAIREAnswer the following questions truthfully. Each answer will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and does not automatically disqualify you from the application process. Failing to answer a question, or not answering the question truthfully does automatically disqualify you from the application process. Some questions may require a written response. If a response is required, write your response. All answers are subject to verification.Have you been completely honest and forthcoming in this application packet? *YesNoIn the last 5 years, have you used any marijuana or THC products? *YesNoIf no, explain:If yes, explain:Have you reviewed this application packet for errors and missed questions? *YesNoIn the last 5 years, have you used any other illegal drugs? *YesNoIf no, explain:If yes, explain:Do you want to be a Police Officer? *YesNoIn the last 5 years, have you used any prescription medication that were not yours? *YesNoIf no, explain:If yes, explain:If it became necessary to take a human life, in the course of your duties as a Police Officer, would you be able to do so? *YesNoHas your driver’s license ever been suspended, denied, revoked, or restricted by a court? *YesNoIf no, explain:If yes, explain:Have you ever been discipline at any high schools, colleges, universities, or trade schools you attended? *YesNoHave you taken anything that does not belong to you worth more than $25? *YesNoIf yes, explain:If yes, explain:Have you ever been discipline at any place of employment? *YesNoAre there any incidents in your life not mentioned herein which may reflect upon your suitability to perform the duties of the position you are applying for? *YesNoIf yes, explain:If yes, explain:Have you ever been terminated or asked to resign from any employment? *YesNoIs there anything we should be aware of that may be discovered during your background investigation? *YesNoIf yes, explain:If yes, explain:In the last 5 years, has your motor vehicle insurance been refused or cancelled? *YesNoIf yes, explain:Do you have current motor vehicle insurance? *YesNoIf no, explain:Upload a copy of your resume. * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload a copy of current driver’s license. * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload a copy of High School diploma, or GED certification. * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload a copy of college transcript, diploma/certification, or degree. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload a copy DD214 (military discharge form if applicable). Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload a copy of Naturalization papers (if applicable). Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Date / Time *DateTimeName *FirstMiddleLastThe facts set forth in my application for employment are true and complete. I understand if employed, any false statements on this application may result in my dismissal. I further understand that this application is not intended to be a contract of employment, nor does this application obligate the employer in any way if the employer decides to employ me.Submit